Mission Statement
Sunshine’s mission is to create community among people with developmental disabilities, their families, friends, and staff. We do this by offering services that enable all of us to build relationships that enhance our lives through mutual caring and growth.

Empathy is the foundation of our relationships with the people we support, their families, our staff, and one another. We are willing to imagine what someone else is feeling in order to connect with their experiences.

Mutuality requires a two-way relationship that creates community. We are a community of people who are both giving and receiving.

Based in Christianity, we are called to reach out to those around us of all faiths, traditions, and beliefs. We support the exploration and expression of faith while treating all in the image of God.

As a community we are committed to having open and honest relationships and communication. We are entrusted with great responsibility by families, donors, and governments to whom we are accountable.

We are committed to using our resources appropriately to ensure our mission. Whether these resources are financial or earthly things, we understand our duty to use them respectfully.